I finally returned to the manuscript after a few weeks away (ostensibly, I was working out some kinks in my outline and re-reading the first part of the book, so I can re-familiarize myself with some of the things I haven’t necessarily looked at in a while). And y’all.

It feels like I wrote some of this in a fever dream.

There are whole paragraphs and entire sections I just flat do not remember writing. Entire chapters even. There are character interactions that I’ve been meaning to write for a while that, to my surprise, actually happened! The parts of the book that were produced during NaNoWriMo read a little funky sometimes, sure. But for the most part, I’m really pleased with how this project is turning out. I’ll have plenty of time for imposter syndrome later. For now, I’m still impressed with whatever part of my brain churned this stuff out.

The project is at around 117,000 words currently, and I have a couple scenes to edit this week that will hopefully edge that number up toward 130,000 or so. I have one more major act, basically, before I can call the story itself “done.” There are some story beats that I’ve been setting up for a bit that I’m pretty jazzed about and I can’t wait to do the reveal! I’m thinking in the very near future I’ll be able to share a passage or two. I’m excited about this story and am going to try to give myself some deadlines once I have the first draft pretty much solidified. I’ve been working on it for . . . too long. It’s time to finish this and move forward.

As always, big ups to Simon Haynes for creating and maintaining the novel writing software I’ve been using for the last fifteen years. This thing is robust and helps me keep my head on straight. What did I call that tertiary character in chapter 7? What was the name of the obscure city they were from? How many years has it been since x character did y thing? As long as I’m kind to future me and leave notes, this program is a lifesaver.

Anyway, thanks for following along on my journey! Stay tuned for more shenanigans!

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